
Drivers who are too tired are hazards on the road

In order to drive safely, every driver must be in the right mental state to handle the task. One thing that can reduce their ability to do this is fatigue. Drivers who don’t get enough sleep are at an increased risk of causing a car wreck that can lead to catastrophic injuries or even death.… Continue reading Drivers who are too tired are hazards on the road

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Divorcing? Take a close look at your financial affairs

In a divorce, you’re moving from married to single, from a partnership to someone who must make decisions on their own. Many of those decisions will be financial. It might have been years since you handled money. Your spouse might have controlled the checkbook and had the inside knowledge about the money – even if… Continue reading Divorcing? Take a close look at your financial affairs

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Things not to do while driving (and we’re not just talking cellphones)

We all know texting while driving is a big no-no, but what are some other non-electronic things drivers should refrain from while out and about on the roads? Put the make-up down Ladies—and some gentleman—do not put on makeup while you drive. Driving down the interstate with a mascara wand in hand is never a… Continue reading Things not to do while driving (and we’re not just talking cellphones)

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Ways to care for yourself after–or in the midst–of a divorce

There’s nothing easy about divorce. It’s stressful and hard, and it’s not something that gets resolved overnight. But even in the midst of this trying time, there are things you can do to help take care of yourself. Get back to the basics Eat right. Sleep right. Repeat. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get… Continue reading Ways to care for yourself after–or in the midst–of a divorce

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How driving mistakes can reduce your personal injury claim

Law enforcement officials often have to make a quick decision regarding the designation of fault after a motor vehicle collision. They will write up a police report at the scene of the crash after looking at the physical evidence and hearing testimony from the individuals involved in the crash itself and other witnesses to the… Continue reading How driving mistakes can reduce your personal injury claim

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Stepparent adoptions: When you love them like your own

You love your spouse’s child like they’re your own. You know that they deserve more than what they’ve been through in their short life, too. Their other parent is not in the picture. You’ve never met them, and your spouse doesn’t know where they are. You think it would be a good idea to step… Continue reading Stepparent adoptions: When you love them like your own

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The hefty price of a drug conviction in Georgia

Were you caught with a few packages of edible marijuana products? Did the police search your car and turn up a small amount of meth or a bottle of Oxycontin pills that you bought on the black market? A drug conviction seems like it should be a relatively minor crime, certainly nothing as serious as… Continue reading The hefty price of a drug conviction in Georgia

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Teens: Dangerous drivers facing real risks

Whenever a new driver is on the roads, it’s important for them to be cautious. They are still learning the rules and how to drive safely, so it’s vital that they go slower and always use good driving techniques. Simple mistakes can lead to devastating consequences. Teen drivers, according to the Centers for Disease Control… Continue reading Teens: Dangerous drivers facing real risks

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Why are fatal car wrecks on the rise?

The latest available figures from the National Safety Council (NSC) indicate that there was a 13% increase in roadway fatalities between 2014 and 2016. That’s the biggest increase in car wreck fatalities in over 50 years. What gives? Motor vehicles are supposed to be safer than ever, but people are still needlessly dying out there… Continue reading Why are fatal car wrecks on the rise?

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How to protect against a highway car wreck

When driving on the highway, such as the I-75 corridor, you know how difficult it can be to maintain your safety. Even if you’re obeying the rules of the road and taking extra caution, there will always be drivers who don’t do the same. There is nothing you can do to control the other people… Continue reading How to protect against a highway car wreck

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