
Exertional heatstroke is a danger to high school football players

Young football players across the country are already practicing for the upcoming season. Many of them are doing this in the extreme heat and humidity of Georgia and other southern states. While the dangers of concussions have become — rightfully — a serious concern for football players of all ages in recent years, there’s another… Continue reading Exertional heatstroke is a danger to high school football players

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Car accidents involving multiple vehicles are often fatal

Though there are many traffic laws in place to keep drivers and their passengers safe, some motorists fail to obey these laws. When Georgia drivers choose not to heed these safety measures, car accidents are much more likely to occur. One woman was recently killed in a crash by an alleged negligent driver. Police stated… Continue reading Car accidents involving multiple vehicles are often fatal

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How personal injury lawsuits – and juries – improve safety

For more than 200 years, juries have been impaneled in courts throughout to determine the facts in civil lawsuits. The founders believed that the right to a jury trial is a fundamental right. Most Americans likely understand the importance of the jury in a criminal case. Fewer recognize that the framers guaranteed the right to… Continue reading How personal injury lawsuits – and juries – improve safety

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Single-vehicle accidents often cause personal injury

When motor vehicle collisions are reported, most people expect to hear of a crash between two or more vehicles. However, many single-vehicle crashes occur in Georgia and across the country on a regular basis. Victims in a recent crash may choose to file personal injury claims after suffering injuries in such a collision. According to… Continue reading Single-vehicle accidents often cause personal injury

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Georgia car accidents: Fatal crash being investigated

Collisions can happen in a matter of seconds. This can result in serious injury and property damage for those involved. Car accidents that include semi-trucks may be even more devastating. One man is dead and a woman is severely injured after one such wreck in Georgia. According to authorities, two cars were stopped on the… Continue reading Georgia car accidents: Fatal crash being investigated

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Truck accidents likely to cause fatalities

Interstates can be dangerous due to the amount of traffic they receive and the fact that the speed limit is typically higher than on smaller roads. When drivers of larger vehicles like tractor-trailers are reckless on the interstate, truck accidents can be deadly. One such accident in Georgia involving a big rig and seven other… Continue reading Truck accidents likely to cause fatalities

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3 teachers arrested now likely contemplating criminal defense

Those who teach are often held to high standards in their communities. Drug and alcohol charges can lead to negative reputations as well as serious consequences if a criminal conviction is secured. Three Georgia educators are likely now focused on their criminal defense after unrelated drug and alcohol charges were filed against each of them.… Continue reading 3 teachers arrested now likely contemplating criminal defense

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Many different factors can lead to car accidents in Georgia

Whenever Georgia drivers get behind the wheel, they have a duty to their fellow motorists to obey traffic laws and remain aware of their surroundings. When these factors are ignored, car accidents are much more likely to occur. Two people were recently killed in a collision that involved a potentially negligent driver. The accident occurred… Continue reading Many different factors can lead to car accidents in Georgia

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It’s good to know why truck accidents happen

If you spend any amount of time traveling on the I-75 corridor, you know that you will always be in close proximity to commercial trucks. While some truck drivers are serious about the safety of everyone on the road, others don’t take this type of caution. As the driver of a passenger vehicle, it’s good… Continue reading It’s good to know why truck accidents happen

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Criminal defense: Accident involving moped leads to DUI charges

Charges for driving under the influence of alcohol can have serious consequences if a conviction is obtained. Operating any manner of vehicle while intoxicated can lead to similar charges. Those who face such allegations often find it advisable to seek advice from a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A 39-year-old man in Georgia… Continue reading Criminal defense: Accident involving moped leads to DUI charges

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